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OceanoScientific Coral Reefs Expeditions 2023-2030

Discovering the little-known coral reefs of the lagoon

of Juan de Nova - Eparses Island - Indian Ocean - TAAF - France :

EXPLORE to ASSIST the scientific community

to better understand the Ocean to better preserve it

through economical oceanographic campaigns

carried out under sail without CO2 emission.

SAFEGUARD and VALORIZE genetic data

of marine organisms in danger of extinction

due to Human being’s impact on Nature.


RAISE AWARNESS among elementary school students to love the Ocean and

GUIDE high school students towards the new professions of the Blue Economy.


The OceanoScientific Expeditions 2023-2030, will be carry out under sail without CO2 emission or waste on board the OceanoScientific Explorer catamaran named LOVE THE OCEAN and will focus on the coral reefs of the lagoon of Juan de Nova located in the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and Africa (Indian Ocean). This TAAF image shows a reef site several times larger than the emerged part of this uninhabited island.


Eight concrete Actions


Action 1: EXPLORE to ASSIST the scientific community to better understand the Ocean to better preserve it through economical oceanographic campaigns carried out under sail and energy self-sufficient without CO2 emission.

Action 2: PRESERVE the genetic data of marine organisms on the coral reefs of the Eparses Islands (France) in the Indian Ocean endangered by Human being’s impact on Nature by DNA/RNA sequencing on board (long), then in the laboratory on land (deep).

Action 3: VALORIZE the molecules of interest discovered in the DNA/RNA of genetically unknown marine organisms for the benefit of Human and Animal Health, Well-being: Dermatology - Cosmetology - Nutrition and Environmental Services: Agriculture - Aquaculture - Depollution.


Action 4: REINFORCE National Sovereignty through effective control of France’s submarine heritage thanks to:rigorous traceability of living samples; the creation of an unprecedented genetic database; pre-emption by the French government of 30% of all patents for the use of organisms molecules harvested from French coral reefs.

Action 5: PROMOTE the emergence of new professions in the Blue Economy through the virtuous exploitation of reef organisms by biomimicry, thanks to a better understanding of their genetic specificities, without ever having to harvest again living organisms.


Action 6: GUIDE high school students from the mainland in France and French overseas territories towards the new professions of the Blue Economy by raising awareness among their Life and Earth Sciences (LES) teachers, so that they integrate the Ocean into their courses.


Action 7: RAISE AWARNESS among children from 8 to 11 years old from elementary school in CE2-CM1-CM2 classes from mainland and French overseas territories and inspire them to LOVE the Ocean.


Action 8: DEMONSTRATE to the widest possible audience the role of the Ocean in the Future of Humanity, and the imperative need to avoid plundering it at all time when its exploitation is inescapable if we are to live with 8, 9, 10 billion people on the Planet.

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